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2019 Theme: Leadership Through Critical Learning

November 1 & 2, 2019
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | Davies Center
105 Garfield Avenue, Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

I am an authentic Hmoob woman.

Diverse leadership is effective leadership. Making space for diverse voices is critical in moving communities forward. Without diverse leaders, the skills and talents of today’s increasingly diverse labor market remains untapped.


HWS has a mission to educate, explore, and empower women around the issues of leadership. Workshops will provide space for shared learning, meaningful dialogue, and opportunities to lead from the authentic Hmong self.


The 2010 US Census reports that Hmong men earn a median annual income almost $16,000 less than men in the U.S. in general. Hmong females earn a median annual income $3,000 less than Hmong men. Such income disparities call for a focus on empowering Hmong women to see themselves as leaders with the ability to influence and make positive contributions to our communities. 

Photo Credit: Manee Yang

This summit seeks to educate, explore, and empower women around the issues of

leadership. Workshops will provide space for shared learning, meaningful dialogue,

and opportunities to lead from the authentic Hmong self, resulting in a supportive





What does Authenthic Leadership* look like?


In our summit, we apply authenticity or “maintaining integrity to the self” as a skill

set that a leader should possess if he/she aims to cultivate engaging and positive

relationships. Based on the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) assessment

tool, below are examples of the four competencies exhibited by authentic leaders:



-Seeks feedback to improve interactions with others

-Accurately describes how others view her capabilities


Relational Transparency

-Says exactly what she means
-Is willing to admit mistakes when they are made


Internalized Moral Perspective

-Demonstrates beliefs that are consistent with actions

-Makes decisions based on her core beliefs


Balanced Processing

-Solicits views that challenge her deeply held positions

-Listens carefully to different points of view before coming to conclusions



*Mazutis, D. & Slawinski, N. (2008). Leading Organizational Learning Through Authentic Dialogue. Management Learning, Sep 2008, Vol.39 (4), p.437


Gallery Photo Credit: Elizabeth Moua


Being an authentic Hmoob woman encompasses intersectionality, critical thinking, and leadership.



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